Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Got Ya Liberals Again!

I met the nicest couple over at my friend Brandon, the gay's, apartment last night! Well, I thought they were nice, until I found out they were liberals living in sin! So I spent most of the night defending our great President against attacks by Michael and Jessica. Finally, when I told them since they hate our country so much, why didn't they just leave, they left, which upset Brandon a little, because he had known them since high school.
Another topic of converstaion we had was about gay marriages. Why can't Brandon, asked Michael, settle down and marry a nice boy if he wanted to? Well, besides the fact that what the two of them doing in their "conjugal" bedroom is an abdomination unto God, mosts states rightfully prohibit such "civil unions"! When you give a gay the right to marry another gay, what's to stop them from adopting a little boy to bring up as a gay as well? Or worse, adopt one for their own sadistic fantasies, as everyone knows the gays are all pedophiles!
I asked Michael and Jessica why they weren't married themselves, why they preferred to live in sin, and you know what they said? "We don't need a piece of paper to prove our love for each other." Or, "we can make a commitment to each other with out all the legal hassles." So then I asked them, why, if they didn't need a piece of paper to make a commitment to each other, a gay needs a piece of paper to make a commitment to another gay? Is it because sexual deviants such as homosexuals have a predatory nature, and need something legally binding to keep each other faithful? Or is it because one of them has a fantasy about wearing a wedding dress? Which they would want to be white, the color of purity, even though they are practicing homosexuals?
That's why I'm saving myself for my future husband! When I wear white, I want it to mean something! Not make a mockery of God! I am pure and intend on staying that way until I can give myself as a gift to my new husband on our wedding night!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Sacrilgeous National Anthem

Everyone knows that the Jews control almost everything in this country. They control Congress, own all the banks, and certainly dominate my chosen field, the entertainment industry. And even though they're all going to Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior, they are good people. Most of them could pass for white, and you wouldn't even know they were Jews unless they told you. But, for all this, they haven't asked us to speak Jewish, or asked us to change the fifty stars on our flag to Stars of David.
So why do the Dirty Mexicans feel that they need to have the Star Spangled Banner sung in Mexican? The Jews don't expect a Hebrew version of it, the colored people don't do a ghetto version, nor do any of the other legal immigrants who have come to this country expect us to change the words to their native tongue. America is all about conforming and trying to be as normal as possible, which means using English. For some reason, all these people who have come into this country illegally, want us to change everything to suit them. If you want to sing a National Anthem in Mexican, go back to Mexico and sing the Mexican National Anthem! I mean, the first line of the Anthem goes "Oh! Say, can you see?" not "Jose, can you see?"!
This Monday, they are all going to boycott work and school to protest and show how many illegals are in this country. I say the government should round them all up and ship them back to Mexico, then stand at the border and shoot anyone of them that tries to cross the border! If you want to riot for rights, go back to your own country and do it! We have our Freedom of Speesh, and fortunately, that Freedom to speak is in English!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

You Can't Spell Hypocrisy Without A Smelly Hippie!

I've been posting comments at some moonbat blogs lately, and the only response they have (because they can't argue with my innate logic) is put on a shirt! They don't like my profile picture, because even though I am wearing a bathing suit, because they can't see it, and because their minds are polluted from the pornography they watch on a regular basis, they think I'm naked! Which would be even more totally ridiculous even if they weren't defending sexual deviants rights to molest our children!
Yes, that slut Madonna (or is she a whore?) can put out a book where she commits every sinful act of lust imaginable, from interracial copulation to interspecies copulation (Vanilla Ice just isn't human!), plus numerous homosexual acts with other women, and they consider it empowering! Because that whore (or is she a slut?) is a liberal, she could copulate with a dog and it would be acceptable! But let me use a picture my very own step daddy took of me by the pool and all of a sudden they tell me to get some clothes on!
Yes it's all fine and dandy for them to have homosexual pedophiles teaching at our schools, where they can indoctrinate young boys into the homosexual lifestyle, but I can't pose in a bikini! Why? Because all these old hippies are old, and gravity has affected their patchouli drenched flesh, and all those years of munchies brought on by excessive marijuana use has forced them to wear shapeless dresses that hide the very femininity they God blessed them with! Plus, they don't shave their armpits!
So they are all just jealous of me! Why? I mean besides being blessed by God with all the talent in the world and the humility to handle it, I'm young, and I take good care of my body!I'm very beautiful, and still have my whole life ahead of me, where I can make my mark on the world! They don't even have memories of that time in their lives because they were all whacked out on marijuana and having promiscuous sex with any dirty hippie boy who had a bong and a Grateful Dead eight track in his van! All that's left for them is botched abortions and failed marriages! Should have held out for love girls! That's what I'm going to do!

Monday, April 24, 2006

The War For Freedom Can Not End Until We've Rounded Up All The Muslims

How's a good Christian girl supposed to sleep at night knowing that Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose and releasing audio tapes taunting us to try and catch him. Just the thought of that creeps face gives me the willies. I only hope that God guides George Bush to the country where Osama is hiding so we can catch him once and for all and I can stop having nightmares!!! We should just keep on invading Muslim countries until one of them gives up the ghost!!
Which is whyb we should invade Iran. They're probably hiding Osama out along with all their nucular weapons. We should drop nucular weapons all over that country and maybe we'll kill Osama, and if not, we'll have cleaned up a lot of towel headed Mohammed loving freedom hating camel riding Muslims that one day might want to fly a plane right in to the White House. We can never be free as long as those types of people are walking around free!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Be A Patriot And Give Your Baby A Christian Name!

The big news out here is the birth of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes new bastard baby! Of course, I think it sets a horrible example for our young and impressionable children that this couple decided to have the baby out of wedlock! Come on Tom, I don't think that Top Gun or Ethan Hunt would do this, it's very UnAmerican! How hard would it have been for you two to visit a preacher, say your vows and bring that baby in the world with two married and loving parents!
Then TomKat decided to give the baby a hippie weirdo name, Suri, instead of a normal Christian name like Susie or Ashlee! Maybe it's because they're not normal or Christian! Child protective services should seize that child and place her in a good safe white Christian home, as we Christians are going to need to add to our ranks to defend ourselves in the ongoing war against Christianity.
My new friend Brandon, who is a gay, says that Tom is a gay, too! I guess that's why he belongs to a gay church like Scientology! But if he is a gay, how did he make a baby? It's kind of scary if a gay can make a baby, because if they ever found this out, they'd make a whole bunch of little boy babies for their friends and them to molest, everybody knows that the gays are all pedophiles!
So someday, when I get married and have a baby, not only will it be with a white Christian, my baby, either he or she will have a good Christian name like Wayne (for a boy) or Alishia (for a girl). I think it should be a law that babies be only given Christian names, then if it grows up and wants to change it's name to some weirdo hippie name, like Freedom, Justice, or Love, it can do that. in the mean time while it's growing up, it won't be teased at school by the cool kids with good Christian names!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Latest Carrie Update!

Hey! I'm back! I took a little time away over the long Holiday weekend, but now, I have returned! First off, let me thank my step-daddy's lawyers, who took some time away from his legal problems (brought on by the whore across the hallway from me) to stop that nasty "John Oakey" who claimed to be my stepbrother from putting out his slanderous blog. I'm sure whoever this person was, they are receiving the mental help they so desperately need! Fame is fleeting, unless, like me, you have the talent and humility to back it up!
Also, I would like to take a second to tell you about my new job! I'm waiting tables, which I hear is a good way to be discovered! I also made a new friend there, he's a gay, and his name is Brandon. Brandon is also going to be a star! Brandon says that when he makes his first movie, I can go to the premeire with him, because although he is a gay, he really wants to be straight so bad! I will admit, it is a bit weird talking with a boy about cute boys, but as long as he doesn't steal that doctor that I will someday marry away from me and turn him into a gay, then we can be friends!
Brandon told me about a place that has a karaoke night out here, and promised to go with me and clap for me! He's really kind of cute, and I'm secretly hoping he does get to be rich and famous, then I will marry him and change him into not a gay! He has such good taste and has a nicely decorated apartment!
Also, I would like to thank my biggest fan, Mr. Mann (I swear that's his name!) for being there in my comments section. I know he might be a little older for me, but he is handsome, and if he's rich, who cares! He's so nice! Thank you, Mr. Mann!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

South Park Lets The Terrorists Win!

I'm madder than a dirty hippie with a broken sandal strap at a peace march! The other night, a cartoon show had some really blasphemous stuff on it. Imagine, a show for kids with this kind of nonsense!
The makers of the show, South Park, at first wanted to have a cartoon with Mohammed, which I have no problem with, make fun of him all you want, but what they did instead was infuriating! In the show, they showed Our Savior, Jesus Christ pooping on the American Flag! Then they had him pooping on our great leader George W. Bush! What kind of message are they sending to the children when they show this?
So rather than offend the terrorists, the homos who make the show decided to offend decent Americans! I think that free speech in this country has gone too far when they let this filth permeate our airwaves! When we let this kind of poop on our airwaves, then Al Qeida wins!
But, what's even more important, and I think sends a message about who really runs things, is what they never even thought about showing! Why not have Moses pooping on the Israeli flag? Oh, that's right, that would be anti-semitic, better to be anti-American than that. Can't have Moses pooping on Ariel Shaorn, or whoever the head Jew is, but you can have Jesus, who I don't even think poops, poop on the Greatest Living American!
So while Christians are being attacked mercilessly by the forces of Al Qeida, they are also being fervently attacked by the Christ Killers who run the entertainment industry! I know that when I BECOME THE BIGGEST STAR EVER, I'M ONLY GOING TO HIRE CHRISTIANS!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Blasphemous Idol

This Friday is an important day in the world of Christianity! It's the day the Christ-killers nailed our Savior to the cross. And now, suddenly, there's a supposed "New Gospel", that of Judas, that says Jesus wanted Judas to betray him. Even though it has been around for awhile, it magically appeared to make the Christ-killers look like they were doing a good thing.
I don't care if the Christ-killers control everything, that's okay. They can have this world, my Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven, and they're not going there, unless they decide to convert to the true religion, Christianity!
There are those of you who may think I'm bitter about it all because I was rejected for American Idol. You couldn't be farther from the truth! In fact, I'm kind of glad I wasn't selected this season after seeing last night's show.
Contestants were asked to sing songs by Heavy metal band Queen. I would never have done it as everyone knows Heavy Metal is the music of the Devil. Adding insult to injury, the lead singer of the band was a homo who died from AIDS, God's plague against sinners. But I think the worst part of that, besides the Devil music written by a gay, is the fact that Queen was English! I though the name of the show was American Idol, not Homosexual Devil Worshipping British Idol! When they allow this sort of blasphemous idolatry on the American airwaves, it's like they want Al Qeida to win!

Monday, April 10, 2006

God Is On the Side Of The Righteous

I thought I had it crazy with all these moonbats harrassing me over here at my blog. But apparently, I don't have it half as bad as our great leader does. It seems some dirty hairy Harry Hippie was caught jumping the fence at the White House. He was screaming "I am a victim of terrorism!" while acting like a freaking terrorist himself. Wearing a 'God Bless America' T-shirt to disguise him as a true patriot, this whacked out wacko was subdued by anti-terrorism teams. The unidentiied man must have been a real threat to America, just like Saddam Hussein, as it required nearly a dozen armed officers to subdue him.
I know how Mr. Bush feels, being attacked by those looking to due battle against Christians and all the morals and values they stand for. The man, who obviously looked Jewish, was merely trying to attack the man who has a direct line to God. And if God has told George W. Bush to strike at Iran with nuclear weapons, then everybody should stand behind the president and this decision. I know God does!
It's like that song goes, "God Bless America, land that I love, stand beside her and guide her, might makes right with the light from above." Which is the song I sang on my American Idol audition. If i'd have sung it like a colored person, I might have got on the show!
And one more thought, as I watched all these illeagl immigrants walking the streets, where in the heck were all the Immigration people? they should have been there checking for green cards and anyone who did not posess one should have ben shipped back to Mexico. Don't come to my country and wave your flag around , Jose, this is America and the only flag that should be flown is the good old Stars and Stripes. If Mexico is so great, go back there, because you're obviously too ignorant to learn our language anyway. I hear you speak it to each other all the time up here, and I know you're discussing throwing over the white Christian majority and replacing it with the Papist child rapist church of Idolatry. They're as bad as the terrorists.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Internets Declare War On Good White Christian Girls

Well, well, well! Another blogger has set up a website to smear my good Christian name! Fairly soon, I'll probably have more blogs dedicated to hating me than our great president has! Which puts me in some pretty good company! I mean, if all these people don't like it here in America, why don't you just leave? And take some of those dirty Mexicans with you! I'm almost famous now! I can't even begin to imagine how big I'll be when my commercial comes out!
I know that all these people hate me for a lot of reasons. Because I'm so talented. Because I've been on TV. All the old hippie chicks with their hairy armpits and drooping boobies hate me because I'm young beautiful, and reasonably free of unsightly body hair! Then there are those who hate me because I'm white, which is like a kind of racism I guess. But mostly I think they all hate me because I am a good Christian! As Tom DeLay says, there's a war on Christianity in this country, and he was it's first victim. Not only were the Islamofascists flying planes in to buildings to attack our Christianity, but now so-called "American" citizens are helping them out by trying to weaken this great Christian country from within, making it easier for them to come in and convert us all to Muslimism with their pork-free diets. That's why we need to wipe them all out in their own countries, so that their rotting carcasses don't take up too much American soil needed for good white Christian people laying in wait for the rapture!
Well, anyway, last night I found out what a fan film is, it's an excuse for young pervs to invite beautiful and talented woman to their apartments to take advantage of them. Perverts! You can bet he's not a Republican, or a conservative, because we don't let perverts in, those people who want to let homos marry each other, or molest little children. No, all the sickos are in the liberal Democrats, because if they ever were on our side, we'd make them quit and become a liberal Democrat because that's where they belong!
Just remember, the more you hate me, the more I love you!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Bad News, Good News

I'm sorry to all my fans that I didn't post yesterday! I've had a ton of bad things happening, between that person harassing me and my family and other things as well, that I just don't feel this is worth it. But I know my fans depend on me to shine the light of my star upon them, and I don't like to disappoint!
First off, I'd like to say to that psycho that is pretending to be my brother, please stop harrassing me! If you don't like what I say, just don't read my stuff. Personal attacks like that are the true trademarks of liberals, look at how they attack our president. He's doing a great job protecting our country from the Islamofascists who want to take over our country and worship a false God.
Also, my step-daddy has some lawyers working on slapping an injunction on these moonbats, but right now his lawyers are busy protecting him from some claims made against him by some whore that I thought was my friend. As soon as they clean that mess up, they'll be coming after you!
But now, on to the good news! I just got a part in a commercial! I know it's as an extra, but I'm sure all my fans will see me in it when it airs! I mean I don't get to sing or anything, but it's a start! Plus I met this neat guy who's making a "fan film", whatever that is, and has a small part for me. He wants me to come over to his apartment tonight to discuss my role. I mean, I was created by God to be the greatest singer ever, but if I can get work as an actress, that could lead to my singing career too!
And that is why I feel blessed by God, not only because of all the incredible talent he has bestowed upon me, but because I was born in the greatest country ever, at a time when it is being led by it's greatest leader! I hope he continues to send our boys over there to crush every last ragheaded Mohammed loving sand nigger over there so not only can we once more be secure, but so we can take all their oil too! I'm going to need a lot of gas for the longest stretch limo ever when I become a star! Toodles!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Another Day, Another Psycho

Well, another deranged psychotic has shown up claiming to be my step-brother. As if! For starters, my step brother isn't colored, which just goes to show how sick these people are, I mean, inter-racials marriages are gross! Then he claims to be JOHN when any body who knows me, knows my step-brother's name is JOE. And then these morons , who obviously lack the mental capacity to reason, think I would have the same last name as my step-brother! Duh! His last name is Kuhr, just like my step-daddy Wayne. they even have at their blog, a picture of a naked fat hippie they claim is my step-daddy! My step-daddy is not fat, nor is he a hippie. He hates hippies as they like to burn flags and protest against our great president. i don't know whether to be disgusted or insulted by this, maybe I'll be a little of both!
Speaking of my step-daddy, he suddenly had to leave last night following his witnessing to my neighbor Elise. He never told mommy he was coming to visit me, he just said he was going to send the packages. So nice to be rich I guess! But when he returned from Elise's apartment, he said that she scratched him as he tried to run the devil out of her so he better get to his doctor quick as wink to make sure he hadn't caught AIDS, her being a whore and all.
Well anyway, back to the psychos, this merely proves that I am going to be famous, I'm nearly famous now! And I'm sure tomorrow someone will turn up being my step-daddy, or Mommy, or my next door neighbor Elise, the list of possiblities is endless. But just remember, these are the little people, people who's lives are so pitiful that they have to associate with a star to find meaning in them. May I suggest you turn to Jesus? Prayer will cure your psychosis.
Well, I must be off. Auditions and agents!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's My Party!

Today is a momentous day in my history! It's my birthday! I was not looking forward to spending it alone, when who should show up, but my step-daddy! He brought some presents from my mommy and himself. I got from mommy two pairs of shoes with purses to match. Some new sweaters and some nice shorts and slacks. My step-daddy gave me a very nice negligee.
He took me out to dinner tonight at one of those places that don't sing 'Happy Birthday' at your table but some other song that just isn't as nice. I was almost sad, for this was the first time in nineteen birthdays I haven't had 'Happy Birthday' sung to me. But I soon forgot about that. When we got back to my apartment, my step-daddy went next door to witness to my neighbor Elise. i had told him what a whore she was the other night, and he said he would sleep better at night knowing that there was someone out here who was watching his little girl for him. He's over there now, he must really be driving the Devil out of her, as I can hear her screaming and crying for help. I took the oppurtunity to shower while my step-daddy was over there, as there is no lock on my bathroom door and I didn't want him to accidentally walk in on me like he used to at home. And now under my robe, I'm wearing the negligee he bought for me.
I didn't dare to tell him about the audition I had this afternoon. They were advertising for dancers, but when I got there, they wanted girls who danced naked like whores in front of people. I feel funny enough with my bikini picture on the internets, (especially after that psycho claiming to be my sister posted it at her blog, along with some very nasty lies about me)I'm not about to dance naked as the day Jesus made me in front of people. And most of the boys I would be dancing in front of were colored. No colored boy is ever going to see my naked body thank you very much!
Well, it's getting late, and my step-daddy is still over at Elise's apartment. I really need to get some sleep, as I found a place that has karaoke night on Wednesday, and I've got a whole new crowd of people to expose my talent to. Who knows? Maybe I'll be discovered! All I know is that today I am one year older and one step closer to fulfilling my destiny!

Crawling Out Of The Woodwork

Yesterday was a busy day. I had two auditions and a meeting with a gentleman whom I wished to represent me as my agent. So now I'm waiting by the phone. This afternoon, I'm going to get a job waiting tables, so I can make a little extra money, and possibly make connections. Last night, I talked to my mom on the phone, she is so supportive of me, but she says she misses me , and so does my step-daddy! She said he might be coming out to visit me, to make sure I'm alright and junk, you know, not getting mixed up with those heathen cults that proliferate out in sunny California, like the Wickeds.
But now I know I'm going to make it, because there is already one person trying to tie their wagon to my star! She's in the comment section of the previous post, and claims to be my sister! As if! I don't even have a sister! She says I'm a runaway, but my mom was happy to let me come out here and pursue my destiny as a star! She has faith in me! But I'm sure this happens to everybody who has talent, either their less talented relations try to hook their wagons to the tail of a star, like Ashlee Simpson or Jamie-Lynn Spears, or other people try to hook their wagons to the tail of a star. I pity this person who is such a deluded psycho that she thinks she is my sister! And I'm sure there will be more people claiming to be my relations, but I should expect that, as I am so beautiful and talented that who wouldn't want to be related to me!

Monday, April 03, 2006

How I Came Up With My Name

When I was fourteen, I started going to the Village Inn pizza parlor every Thursday Night, because that was karaeoke night. I'd get there on stage and sing my favorite Hillary Duff and Britney Spears songs (this was before Britney turned out to be a lying slut and homewrecker). Well, naturally, the people loved me, as I am so talented, so I went back again. And again.
I had a friend, a homosexual whom I was trying to save from the eternal torment of Hell, who would help me out with costume design. I tried to get him to convert by trying to set him with the local sluts, but to no avail. Meanwhile, I was there every Thursday, singing my little heart out, as well as working in a few dance steps my homosexual friend would show me. (Fags are such good dancers!)
Pretty soon, people would come to watch me perform every Thursday. I had my crowd of regulars, mostly middle aged gentlemen. They would sing along with and applaud after every song! It was then I knew that God had chosen me to be a star! So I asked the owner if I could get paid for my singing, and of course the Jew said no. You know how cheap they are. So then I asked if I could at least get star billing, to which he laughed at me! Well, I went backstage and I cried and I cried!
My homo friend came backstage and saw I was upset, and asked me what was wrong. I explained what happened, and he sat there for a moment and thought, then he turned to me and said:
"Why don't you change your name to Carrie Oakey! Because then, every Thursday night would be Carrie Oakey night!" I wanted kiss him, but knew I'd probably get AIDS if I did, so I shook his hand (and washed it right afterwards) and thanked him, and that's when I became Carrie Oakey!
I felt bad a couple years later when my gay friend was killed by a couple guys on the football team, but the price of sin is not cheap, and he should have known that this is how God wanted him to die. I take solace in the fact that i tried to save him from his evil ways, but the grip of satan on him was too great!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Don't Be Mad At Me Because Of My Anatomy!

Everybody has been commenting about my lack of clothes in my profile picture. They think I'm naked, but really I'm wearing a skimpy bikini my stepdaddy (who took the picture of me by the pool) bought for me. I didn't feel comfortable in it, and haven't worn it since, but since I am in show-biz, I thought a little immodesty won't hurt my ambitions, so I used that picture.(Okay, I did crop out the suit, because I'm not that immodest!)
In reality, I think that they hate me because, besides being the most talented singer since Jessica Simpson, I have a hot body. It's okay, I can understand your envy, it's only natural. I'm sure most of these liberals attacking me are feminazis with hairy legs and armpits, while I am the penultimate of femininity! And I'm almost sure they are all old hippies, ashamed of how gravity has affected their bra-less physiques. And the men are all envious because their wives/girlfriends are old hairy hippie women who don't look anywhere as good as I do. So, as the colored folk say, don't be hating.

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Better Than You!

People can be so mean. The internets are crawling with awful people who don't love our President or the freedoms he's protecting. I think that they're jealous of me because I'm so beautiful and talented, plus, I've been on national television. Yesterday I was swarmed with nasty comments from some very Un-Christian people, because, as the coloreds like to say, I'm keeping it real. So once I realized they are jealous of me, I actually pitied them, because they don't have what I have, the love of God and Jesus.
I was down in the dumps for a spell, until my new neighbor, Elise, from across the hall stopped by and took me out for a drink to cheer me up. We went to a place where there was a lot of coloreds lurking around trying to have sex with white women. One actually had the gall to approach me, and then he suggested he wanted to put his wiener in my mouth! eeyyeewwww! Like I would ever do anything with a colored man! Sorry, but I'm saving myself for Mr. Right, and the first thing above all other things is he must be white! And then preferably a doctor or a lawyer, and handsome and successful.
So I became very upset and went to look for Elise because I wanted to leave, and I saw her dancing like a whore with a colored person! So I immediately took a taxi home and waited up for her to come home. But when she did come home, she brought a colored man home with her! What a whore! I'm certainly never going into her apartment again I might catch AIDS or something.
Sex for pleasure is not what God intended. It is only for two people of the same race who are married and in love with each other. She probably is on the pill or having abortions on demand or some other horrible thing. I knew before I moved out here that this place is crawling with sin, but I'm better than that! Jesus didn't die on the cross so that I could slut around like a painted up whore and have abortions on demand. And I know that if I follow the path of righteousness He has laid out for me, I will be the biggest star in the world, where I can stand up as a good role model for all the world to see.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

You're Gonna Hear From Me!

I have now been out here in Hollywood, and what I find most appalling is all the Mexicans here. I mean, if you're going to come to America, at least bathe and learn to use the language. And I can't believe our President would allow these filthy immigrants to continue to live in this country, I mean, they're not even white. I know we're supposed to trust Mr. Bush, but I can hardly tell them apart from terrorists. Oh, well. I know I'm probably wrong to question him, as he is our leader.
My apartment is small, but since my step-daddy can only afford to send me so much a week to live on, it'll have to do until I become a star. Then I'll have a mansion with lots of servants to do things for me, and they'll all be white. I've decided to take a job out here waiting tables, as most of us struggling artists do, maybe I'll make a few contacts, and some extra money to boot! I mean, my step daddy may be rich, but he never seemed to have enough money to fix the lock on the bathroom door back home, as he was always accidentally walking in on me when I was in the shower.
For some one who's been on tv ( I was on American Idol, in a crowd shot of participants at an audition, I was the girl in the upper right hand corner of the screen in the pink sweater ,waving) it's amazing how I can walk down the street and not be recognized. But I guess out here, they're used to seeing famous people, not like in my home town, where I was a celebrity, and my television appearance made the front page of our local newspaper. But someday, I'll be driving down the street in the biggest stretch limo you ever saw, and people will wonder just who that big start is behind the tinted glass!