Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Internets Declare War On Good White Christian Girls

Well, well, well! Another blogger has set up a website to smear my good Christian name! Fairly soon, I'll probably have more blogs dedicated to hating me than our great president has! Which puts me in some pretty good company! I mean, if all these people don't like it here in America, why don't you just leave? And take some of those dirty Mexicans with you! I'm almost famous now! I can't even begin to imagine how big I'll be when my commercial comes out!
I know that all these people hate me for a lot of reasons. Because I'm so talented. Because I've been on TV. All the old hippie chicks with their hairy armpits and drooping boobies hate me because I'm young beautiful, and reasonably free of unsightly body hair! Then there are those who hate me because I'm white, which is like a kind of racism I guess. But mostly I think they all hate me because I am a good Christian! As Tom DeLay says, there's a war on Christianity in this country, and he was it's first victim. Not only were the Islamofascists flying planes in to buildings to attack our Christianity, but now so-called "American" citizens are helping them out by trying to weaken this great Christian country from within, making it easier for them to come in and convert us all to Muslimism with their pork-free diets. That's why we need to wipe them all out in their own countries, so that their rotting carcasses don't take up too much American soil needed for good white Christian people laying in wait for the rapture!
Well, anyway, last night I found out what a fan film is, it's an excuse for young pervs to invite beautiful and talented woman to their apartments to take advantage of them. Perverts! You can bet he's not a Republican, or a conservative, because we don't let perverts in, those people who want to let homos marry each other, or molest little children. No, all the sickos are in the liberal Democrats, because if they ever were on our side, we'd make them quit and become a liberal Democrat because that's where they belong!
Just remember, the more you hate me, the more I love you!


Blogger Carrie Oakey said...

God is black? Next you'll be like them crazy moonbat libber chicks who think God is a woman!
Are you proud of being a pedophile? How sick! No, I don't make "sweet love" to the children or anyone else. I'm saving myself for Mr. Right, and you can bet he'd never want to sodomize my rear end! Which is white, by the way, the color of purity! So if you want to be gay and incestous, that's your problem when your rotting in Hell!

1:00 PM  
Blogger Rowan Dawn said...

"do you make sweet the children?"

I'm hysterical! Carrie, you need to watch more TV.

"All the old hippie chicks with their hairy armpits and drooping boobies hate me because I'm young beautiful, and reasonably free of unsightly body hair"

Ain't it the truth?

8:42 PM  
Blogger meldonna said...


Or short of that, volunteer to go to the warzone with the USO...use your talents to support the troops in a tangible way.

In the meantime, read the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. That's what everyone in service of our great country swears an oath to.

Then you can be proud of yourself for trolling progressive blogs and calling people "Bush haters". Because that's what gives you the absolute right to do so.

Jesus was a gentle soul, who left us many parables that are instructive. Nowhere in the Gospels did he advocate treating any of one's brothers and sisters on Earth as less than deserving, from the lowest to the highest. But he was also a political firebrand, and he was murdered because the Powerful would not have a Prophet of Peace. True Children of God, Christian, Islamic, or otherwise, are Children of Peace and Profound Love. No humans are excluded, be they collateral damage of war, or that homeless guy with a dirty face you may have walked past.

Jesus said to love your enemies...would you stoop to responding to someone like amon122? And gloating that you think he might burn in hell? As if you weren't being baited to do just that

I live in Seattle, and I just watched a community of young people be attacked and murdered by a deranged man. And our kids did not respond with hate, but love; they set up an account so folks could send money to the shooter's family to help with their own time of trial.

I'm pretty sure Jesus is proud of them. What do you think?

Be a powerful Christian; but be real and think. Use your love for good, and when someone flames you, learn to turn the other cheek. A Warrior for Jesus uses the weapons the Lord did.


2:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Carrie, I truly hope you don't live in my neighborhood... but since you probably do, here's a little bit o' advice from a Hollywood woman: Do NOT let the folks 'round here EVER hear you say you are a Christian Rightwing person! They will SHUN you. I am not kidding. Or,they will force you to either become a Scientologist, or get a huge boob job, or become a Kabablist, or star in porn filems. Or, they'll ridicule you until you become (gasp) a LIBERAL!

If you know what's good for you, you'll lie back on that casting couch and go with the flow. It's the only way to prosper here... I know many actors and that's the deal... sorry, it ain't pretty. But it's how it is here in HOLLYWOOD.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Hey there don't lissen up to that Helen Wheels. Obviously, she's a slut too! Lissen how she just sayin act like a sexual deviant librual! When your trying to be a good white Christian woman! If I run into Helen Wheels, she's gone get a fist upside her dumb blonde haid. I means it.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Carrie Oakey said...

I'm sorry Miss Wheels, but I'm not going to compromise my principles at all. Because not only do I have faith in my talent and in myself, I havr faith in God that He gave me this enormous talent to share it worth the world in his name. I will never turn my back on my faith, or worship any of the false Gods of California my preacher warned me about before I moved out here!I'm sure that the many actors you know (and probably slept with) weren't as talented as I, or else they would never whore their talent like that. That's probably why all those flaky Hollywood types turn to drugs, to mask the shame of being a whore. And I'm proud to be a right thinking Christian, and if being a real patriot means a lot of fighting with the Hollywood liberal elite, like our great president says, "Bring 'em on!" So I think I'll listen to the poor speller (who actually looks like she could be your twin sister, minus the bleached blonde hair)and never give up on my talent, my morals, or my God!

3:17 PM  
Blogger quack said...

Yo! You're one hell of a foul-mouthed christian babe! It turns me on! I'm here masturbating with my big black double dildo, and I'd love to ram the other end up your pretty tight white ass! Come over here slut so I can gape your ass!

8:28 PM  

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