Who Else, Lamont? Mel Gibson?
Ned Lamont is leading in the polls for the Senate seat occupied by rapturiffic Joseph Lieberman, in some Yankee state full of rapture denying liberals! Joe must be a good guy for Our Supreme Leader to give him a kiss like that! And Joe supports our efforts to kill all them Iraqis and let Allah sort them out as well! Which means if you don't want Lieberman to win, you're with the terrorists!
So what does Lamont do with lead in the polls? Calls on Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson to help him win! There's no better way to say your anti-semitic than to get Jesse to campaign for you, short of inviting Mel Gibson and Cindy Sheehan to a photo op.
Jackson, who claims to be a reverend, said "What's at stake is the future of our country and it's priorities." Duh! Our priorities are to bring on the rapture and convert America in to the proud Christian nation it was two hundred years ago! Who better to implement that than a man who will put Israel's interests first, which of course, will lead to the creation of the Greater Zion called for by the Bible needed for Jesus's return?!? And when Jesus comes back, America needs to be ready by becoming God's Country again!
"This coming weekend it's door knocking time. It's telephone call time," Jackson said. As if a bunch of rich white people want a colored person going door to door in their cities! Hope you have a lot of bail money with you because I'm sure the sherriff will be arresting you! And before you start making phone calls, better practice your diction because all I ever hear Jesse talk is ghetto talk! You know, health care, fair trade, welfare, all the stuff colored folk feel they are entitled to just because they were slaves a long time ago! Get over it!
The truly oppressed people here are the people of Lieberman's faith! The Holocaust was where people were killed, just for being Jews! That never happened to colored people in America! Not in a long time!
Carrie if you get any funnier I am gonna have to get a clean carpet so I can laugh and roll on the floor. Now stop that!
Call on Hillary, I hear she's a carpet cleaner!
First we need peace in the Middle east, but all the pesky Muslims are preventing that! Once they've gone to their seventeen virgins in paradise (and really, wouldn't they be happier there with them?)courtesy of the US army, then Jesus will come to take me (I don't know about you)and all my good Christian friends (except the gays) up to Heaven!
What about the temple mount? I don't have time to watch news, you know!
Oh darn! Jesus is coming and I have bikini waxed scheduled!
You're doing a great job at what you're doing. ;)
hi carrie
big hallo from a man who is going to become big in Bollywood ,some day.
All the best
Carrie, if you were a real star like me, you would realize that these people are draining you of all your love. Why, I remember when I interviewed Mother Theresa for one of my very special televisions shows, how special she was. And she NEVER talked about AIDS. Why, we didn't even HAVE AIDS back then.
Ha, ha ha, ha ha.
Fox News done said that now that Mr. Lamont won, the Democrats are the Taliban and we's all gone be kilt directly by terrists.
Man them libruals sure know how to mess things up yawl.
What is sad is how true what you are saying is, and how "politically incorrect" it is considered to actually come out and say it!
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