Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Monday, June 05, 2006

If They Can't Protect Marriage, How Can They Protect The Country?

The Senate is busy debating a bill calling for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage from deviants who wish to allow two people of the same gender to join together in Holy Matrimony. Why are they even debating this?!? Homosexuality is an abomination in the Face of God!Come on guys! We Republicans control the Senate! Bush supports the bill! What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to allow another 9/11 because America has embraced the homosexual lifestyle before you get up off your keisters and do something to protect this nation?
The sanctity of marriage needs to be protected, like a good woman's virtue, and our Supreme Leader is willing to take the right steps to protect that sacred institution! Marriage is sacred and needs to be protected like other sacred American institutions like the flag and the tax cut! May I suggest, if you are a gay, and wish to marry, you find a nice girl and marry her and fight off those homosexual urges with prayer and electroshock therapy, if need be the cause!
And may I also suggext that all you red-blooded freedom loving P{atriots write to your Senator and demnd this bill be passed. That's why we elected them last time, to protect us from gay marriages and the Wrath of God upon this mighty land if we were to ever allow this to happen!


Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Talk about a no-brainer indeed Carrie! Anyone who hezitates to sign this here bill outlawing the gay is probly gay hisself. Maybe anyone who votes against this should have a videotape put in his home to see if he's a gay.

If I can get degayed all the homos can. They's just weak is all. And I don't want these gay folk destroying marrage all over the place!

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we all wondered what Rove would be doing after he lost some his duties in the White House. Looks like he has run out of ideas to try and gain support for a flailing Republican party. He was left with admitting defeat or playing the gay card.

Nothing mobilises the Bible belt more in the USA than a moral issue such as homosexuality or abortion. Its pathetic that they can't use Cogress's time more effectively such as resolving the War in Iraq.

Have a read of these:
Article 1

Article 2.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, well well! A little "bird" flew by and suggested I visit your blog, Carrie. And I am NOT disappointed. Not only are you beautiful, you obviously adhere to the very serious Christian Republican attitude that I like so well. It's a pleasure to see a young woman these days with virtue as her #1 objective.

You have beauty, wisdom AND wit. However, might I caution you about hanging out with fags? That can't help you much. And make sure none of those Jews running the entertainment industry ask you to get upon a "casting counch." It's definitely a trick they use to entice young lovelies into the world of sin.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Carrie Oakey said...

Thank you, Mr. Pinwheel eye, it's always good to gain another fan! So far I haven't caught gay yet from my gay friends (all males, those lezbos creep me out)because I have the Lord Jesus and the strength of His Word (the Bible) to protect me!

6:37 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Bravo! Homasexials marrying each other'n?? That would ruin the moral fiber of this great nation. Jesus would be turning in his grave.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

That's right tom! I's glad to see you're getting through to some of these here drive-by readers, Carrie. Good work yawl.

10:05 AM  

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