Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Blasphemy Code

I'm sure we all can remember the uproar caused when a Danish newspaper printed cartoons depicting Mohammed. Those Muslims threw the world's biggest hissy fit because we decided to mock their "God"! Well, imagine the uproar if someone made a movie depicting the life of Mohammed! Or, worse yet, depiciting Mohammed getting married and having children! I think we'd see some pretty horrible protests, wouldn't we? Especially if Mohammed procreated with a whore!
Well that's the whole premise of The DaVinci Code. Jesus had children with Mary Magdalene! And now Tom Hanks is looking for the descendants of that unholy union! Just another shot fired in the War On Christianity! That this comes out of Jew controlled Hollywood is no shock. Remember how the Jews became upset when Mel Gibson's great The Passion of the Christ portrayed the Jew as the Christ Killers they are? I think that this is probably their revenge, smearing the name of Our Savior by suggesting He lay down with a whore! The director of this piece of filth is probably a Jew too!
The skirt wearing Papists are suggesting a boycott, but I believe this doesn't go far enough. You can't expect more from a bunch of pedophiles! I suggest that every movie theater that dares show this film be burned to the ground, as well as all copies of the film! Christians need to show the world that we aren't going to turn the other cheek any more, just like we went after the Muslims in Iraq for attacking us on 9/11! That a film like this would come out at a time when we're bringing freedom to the rest of the world is a slap in the face of all our boys who died defending democracy! Courtesy, once more, of the liberals in Hollywood!


Blogger NEWSGUY said...

Good post, Annie Oakley. Jesus is a Republican, I am pretty sure. I think it may even be in the Bible. Something about how he promised that he would smite the Democrats unto Cannan for their unholy ways, and make sure they would never find a place in heaven, and how he told the Disciples 'Blessed are the Republicans for they shall inherit the earth'.

I am pretty sure it is in Leviticus or Psalms or something. I mentioned this to my pastor at the Church of What's Happening Now, and he'd never seen the passage, and I haven't either, but the Bible is a big long book and hard to read.

So even if it isn't in there about Jesus being a Republican, I am sure he would be if he had a chance to meet your hero and mine, George W. Bush.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Carrie Oakey said...

The name is Carrie Oakey! The Republican party is the oracle for both the Word Of God and Jesus! And God has spoken to our Great President! i don't know if you're with me or making fun of me, but if you are mocking me you are very mean!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

I think he's right Carrie. My preacher done told me that Jesus started the Republican party and conservatives. So don't get all offended. That Church of What's Happenin Now sounds fun. And I wish all the Democrats would be banned unto Canann. Whatever that there means.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Sorry, Carrie, but I don't want the pervert government voyeurs peeping into my life and eavesdropping. They should pay the $10 dollars and go to a movie like everyone else if they want to have some fun.

5:12 AM  

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