Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wait For My Lifetime Movie!

I'm still recovering from my humiliating loss at the American Idol auditions last week! That Simon is really a nasty person, and I could say a whole lot more , but I'm a Christian and a lady, so we won't go there! I'm just hoping I can make it up to Seattle for the next round of auditions!
Lifetime is showing The Fantasia Barrino Story this month, and while I can say that it will be interesting, it in no way will be good as mine will, when I finally make the show! She thinks she had it tough, let me tell you sister, ain't no one had it as bad as me!
First, my daddy died in the first Gulf War! They said it was friendly fire, but when somebody's shooting you, there isn't anything friendly about that at all! But that didn't deter me at all, it made me decide to be a better Christian, so I could go see my daddy in Heaven! Then, my mommy and me had to scrape by and live in an apartment, until she had the good fortune to marry my step daay, a wealthy businessman! But the hardships didn't end there! Did you know that in high school, I had to drive a used car?!? Then there was the month my step daddy took my credit cards away from me, that was really a struggle! Can you imagine, not being able to shop for a month!
But not once did I let that deter me as I drove on to become a success, the success that God has specifically created me for!
Then there was the years of my childhood I had to endure a liberal Democrat in the White House! The shame the fornicator brought to God's great country will never be erased! Thank God He made George W, Bush president! He has returned the country to the greatness and promise that God gave us when He made America!
I look at some of the 'hardship' Miss Barrino had to endure, and I think while she ay have had some difficulty, sure, they were all brought on by her family's rejection of good Christian values! She was the one that decided to birth a baby out of the sanctity of wedlock! She made the decision to drop out of high school! It was hard for me going to high school in that used car, but let me tell you, even though I was embarrassed to be seen in a second hand sedan, I still endured everyday, because I had friends who still rode the bus! And even though every boy in school was trying to fornicate with me, I never once did anything that would have stopped me going to Heaven to see my daddy, like having sex! Ever! I am proud to say, to this day, I am still a virgin, because I know from what my mommy said that having a child on your own can drag you down!
So as you can see, my whole life has been a struggle! Even being rejected by those mean people at American Idol five times has never got me down! So when I finally do ascend to my rightful place in the Celebrity Stratosphere as pre-ordained by God, the movie of my life will be very uplifting!


Blogger Lola Heatherton said...

Oh, Carrie, I think you are so brave and courageous, it's SCARY. I know how hard it is to have talent, while people below you are draining you of all your love.

Currently I've told Mr. Bill Gates that he should finance the story of MY life, and if he did, I would be so grateful that I would bear ALL his children. I think there might be a small part in my life story for you, Carrie Oakey. After all, we are both blonde, n'est pas?

4:31 PM  
Blogger Carrie Oakey said...

Thank you very much! I would rellay like Mr. Gates to finance my singing career!

6:18 PM  
Blogger Lorna Swanson said...

I will watch your special avec glee and elan, my dear girl. I only hope that the acting isn't sub-par as most on the tele is these days. Oh for the old stage-acting days!

Kiss kiss,


12:47 PM  

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