Reach For The Stars!

Just a good Christian girl, trying to make it big in the Jew dominated world of entertainment

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More Moonbat Hypocrisy!

Once again, the liberals get it all wrong!They're all over the place, trying to make hay from Rush Limbaugh's detainment for having drugs in his carry-on luggage while returning from a trip to the Domincan Republic! Hello! These were prescription drugs, written for him by his doctor! Not like the "grass" Bill Clinton claimed not to have inhaled! And it's not even that OxyContin that some activist judge tried to send Rush to prison for! Doctor shopping! The liberals are trying to make all the good things about this country, like shopping, illegal, while trying to protect sins against God, like adultery! Well, according to my step-daddy, this legal drug they caught him with, Viagra, isn't even addictive, and is the opposite of the muscle relaxers Rush was taking-UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS!
Now they'll probably want to throw Rush's doctor in jail, just for trying to protect Rush's privacy! Don't all those moonbats whine about the government 'spying' on them? Or when Bill Clinton was under investigation for committing adultery, and then lying about it, they all claimed it was all about his 'privacy'. Here Rush isn't even doing anything as bad as committing adultery, and suddenly all those privacy advocates are high fiving each other because a good man got nabbed and now they're trying to sully his reputation!
This is all because the liberals in charge have a vendetta against good conservatives such as Rush! So instead of tracking down America Hating Islamofascists, they're searching the luggage of one of the Greatest American loving Patriots of all time! How is searching Rush's luggage making us safe from terrorists? It's not! But do you hear the whiners, who complain about airport searches, defending Rush? No, of course not! And we all know why, don't we? Because they're hypocrites!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hillary The Hater!

How much clearer does it have to be? The Democrats have declared war on Christianity, with Hillary Clinton firing the most recent salvo! Personally, I think Mrs. Clinton needs to visit the same place Betty jo went to get de-gayed, but maybe Hillary likes wearing those unflattering pants suits!
As Christians, we are asked to excercize our faith and follow our leaders blindly, and what better leader to follow than one appointed by God himself? God couldn't let something flimsy like democracy allow a convenient liar like Al Gore or permanent flip-flopper like John Kerry to be in charge of His country! The greatest country on Earth!
Our Supreme Leader talks directly with God and God answers him back! So to question the motives of George Bush would be the same as questioning God, which is surely part of the satanic communistic Democrat agenda! We are war with the Islamofascists who hate our freedoms, either you pipe down and back the president, or you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
This was during a debate on two bills introduced by the cut and run Democrats, each one to determine a timetable by which US forces are to cut and run! Mrs. Clinton compared God's party, the Republicans to the three monkeys "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"! As if! She also neglected that Iraqi terrorists were caught yesterday in Florida trying to blow up the Sears Tower! If attacking a good store like Sears isn't evil, then I don't know what is! Imagine if they blew up a Sears tower you were shopping at! Well, don't get mad at the Republicans, they're the ones who realize the importance of protecting Great American Landmarks like your local Sears Tower.
Hillary also failed to mention the WMD found in Iraq! We told you liberal scum bags they were there, and now what do you have to say? "Well, they're old weapons, the chemicals broke down, blah,blah, blah"! Wouldn't stop the terrorists from using them!
So, Mrs. Clinton, maybe if you spent more time doing your womanly duty satisfying your husband and less time trying to create a secular America, your husband wouldn't be having sex with a porker like Monica Lewinsky!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Senate Works To Protect Second Coming

Well, I was as excited as a colored person with a free thousand dollar government issued debit card to spend on lap dances when I heard that God's own, Senator Bill Frist, tried to get a bill passed in the Senate making it illegal to transport a woman across state lines for purposes of obtaining an abortion! We all know who's on God's side in the war against Christianity! Unfortunately the bill met an untimely death when Ted Kennedy tried to tack on an amendment raising the minimum wage! Proving once and for all that the satanic communist Democrats will do anything in their power to prevent Our Savior from becoming born again!
The Republicans knew that such a bill, with the Democrats attached amendment, would dig deep into the pockets of hard working business owners like my step-daddy, who are trying to run a business as well as pay child support to some harlot an activist judge decided bore his love child based solely on DNA evidence with out any preponderance of my step daddy's good Christian nature!It was a hard decision to make, but since the communistic democrats had them over a barrel, protect the Birth of The Christ Child, or stop another left wing attempt to redistribute wealth, which ever choice they made, it was the right one.
I just want all good Christians to remember who is on God's side! The tax and spend cut and run wage raising Democrats or the freedom loving, flag and marriage protecting, Islamofascist fighting Republicans! (Here's a hint:which party has the Supreme Leader appointed by God Himself?)So remember this November who is the party that tried to pave the way for Jesus' rebirth as an American citizen, and who sided with the devil.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Entitled To Fraud!

I see where that crazy colored person claiming to be my "step-brother" is back, claiming I had an abortion! I hope you know you just committed libel, buster, and my step-daddy's lawyers are all done straightening out the mess with my neighbor, the whore! They'll be coming for you, so I suggest you get off welfare and get a job, because they're going to make you pay for all the dirty things you say about me!
That's the problem with the colored people in America, they don't know anything! They think they can say what ever they want and get away with it because some liberal activist judge will take their side! I got proof you're a liar, fatso, and we can track you down, so be prepared!
Another problem with the colored people in America, is they think they're entitled to everything. So while us white people work hard and pay taxes, they take it from us in welfare that they use to buy Cadillacs and crack with! Like the recent Hurricane Katrina victims who were given debit cards by George Bush to help them out because they were too stupid to leave town when a hurricane was coming! And did they buy anything good with it, like Bibles, or clothes? No, they spent it on jewelry, lap dances, divorces and hookers! They had the whole country feeling sorry for them because they were "displaced", but instead of using the money to better theselves, or put a downpayment on a house that wasn't on a flood plain, they wasted it! A billion dollars worth!By step-daddy calls this being "n***** rich" ( I don't like to use that word, because our Supreme leader has appointed some very prominent colored people to his cabinet, and he would never use that word) and that's why they always will be poor because of investing their money wisely, they spend it on "bling-bling" like jewelry.
Now Our Supreme Leader says the economy is booming, why aren't these people out getting jobs? He is doing his part to ensure that no American ever need live off entitlements, but these people always have to have their hands out! Nobody just gives you money! Be an American and take part in this glowing economy the greatest P{resident ever has created for you!
Well, I just had to let out some steam. Tonight is karaeoke, I mean, Carrie Oakey Night, and I've got to get to the bank before they close and cash my weekly check from my step-daddy!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Only The Beginning...

First thing, on a personal note, my Thursday karaoke nights have become a success in the gay community! They say I'm really "camp", which I think is gayspeak for exceptionally good! I really pack them in, so if you want a good seat, get there early!
I've been reading a lot of moonbat blogs that say now that we killed Zarqawi, it's time to bring our boys home from Iraq! Just because we got the man responsible for September 11, doesn't mean that our mission there is finished! There are still millions of terrorists in Iraq and Iran that practice the violent godless religion of Muslim that need to be converted to the peaceful God-fearing religion of Christianity, or be killed! Zarqawi was only the beginning, you unshaven pot smoking heathens!
Democracy won't work if these "people" are allowed to worship as they see fit. They need a leader like Our Supreme Leader, appointed by God and in personal contact with him! Do you think God would talk to a ragheaded who worships Mohammed Allah? Of course not, there is one God but Our God, and he must speak English only, because George W. Bush doesn't speak Arabic!
And there has also been a lot terrorist sympathizers who whine about how were killing "innocent" civilians! As if! Better to kill them when they're babies than have them grow up to kill our troops! Also, a lot of the feminazis are complaining about how we're killing women. I thought they were for equal rights! Anyone who questions our troops on their mission is a traitor who is aiding the enemy!
So it would seem that at the same time the war on terrorism is heating up, so is my musical career! You might want to stick around for both, things are going to get hot!

Monday, June 05, 2006

If They Can't Protect Marriage, How Can They Protect The Country?

The Senate is busy debating a bill calling for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage from deviants who wish to allow two people of the same gender to join together in Holy Matrimony. Why are they even debating this?!? Homosexuality is an abomination in the Face of God!Come on guys! We Republicans control the Senate! Bush supports the bill! What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to allow another 9/11 because America has embraced the homosexual lifestyle before you get up off your keisters and do something to protect this nation?
The sanctity of marriage needs to be protected, like a good woman's virtue, and our Supreme Leader is willing to take the right steps to protect that sacred institution! Marriage is sacred and needs to be protected like other sacred American institutions like the flag and the tax cut! May I suggest, if you are a gay, and wish to marry, you find a nice girl and marry her and fight off those homosexual urges with prayer and electroshock therapy, if need be the cause!
And may I also suggext that all you red-blooded freedom loving P{atriots write to your Senator and demnd this bill be passed. That's why we elected them last time, to protect us from gay marriages and the Wrath of God upon this mighty land if we were to ever allow this to happen!