More Moonbat Hypocrisy!
Once again, the liberals get it all wrong!They're all over the place, trying to make hay from Rush Limbaugh's detainment for having drugs in his carry-on luggage while returning from a trip to the Domincan Republic! Hello! These were prescription drugs, written for him by his doctor! Not like the "grass" Bill Clinton claimed not to have inhaled! And it's not even that OxyContin that some activist judge tried to send Rush to prison for! Doctor shopping! The liberals are trying to make all the good things about this country, like shopping, illegal, while trying to protect sins against God, like adultery! Well, according to my step-daddy, this legal drug they caught him with, Viagra, isn't even addictive, and is the opposite of the muscle relaxers Rush was taking-UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS!
Now they'll probably want to throw Rush's doctor in jail, just for trying to protect Rush's privacy! Don't all those moonbats whine about the government 'spying' on them? Or when Bill Clinton was under investigation for committing adultery, and then lying about it, they all claimed it was all about his 'privacy'. Here Rush isn't even doing anything as bad as committing adultery, and suddenly all those privacy advocates are high fiving each other because a good man got nabbed and now they're trying to sully his reputation!
This is all because the liberals in charge have a vendetta against good conservatives such as Rush! So instead of tracking down America Hating Islamofascists, they're searching the luggage of one of the Greatest American loving Patriots of all time! How is searching Rush's luggage making us safe from terrorists? It's not! But do you hear the whiners, who complain about airport searches, defending Rush? No, of course not! And we all know why, don't we? Because they're hypocrites!